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10 July 2008

Hacker use trojan as watcher

Term of Trojan Horse ( horse Troya) coming from Greek mythology at the time of war troya. In war of ,team of yunani bearing arms against. of team of team of empire troya. Greek Team have besieged the town Troya during ten years. But, because team of empire troya enough delay the, difficult Greek team defeating of it.Finally, team of Greek of make strategy by making a made giant horse from wood. This horse is unique enough. hollow its contents so that can be filled by the Greek team. Afterwards, Greek team pretend to retreat at the same time give the present of the giant wood horse. Constructively a espionage of Yunani his name Sinon, townee troya succeed assured to accept the that giant wood horse and input it into town. its Nocturnal, Greek team residing in in wood horse go out the, after than open the spandrel and town Troya in attacking. By the, town Troya can be mastered by Greek.

All of us have known the story from Trokan horse as biggest strategy which have been made during the time.

Possible some of you do not know what such by Trojan. Trojan is small program which effectively give the Remote Control to hacke to control our komuter from long distance as a whole.

Common public Several Things which can be conducted by Trojan Horse:

1. Opening and closing CD-ROM Drive

2. Catching or taking screenshot from your computer

3. Record of knob Compressor at your keyboard, laterthen send it to Hacker

4. Access full to all your and Drive file

5. Ability to use the computer of you is as bridge to conduct the other aktvitas hacking

6. Deactivating your Keyboard

7. Deactivating your mouse

8. Vanishing your file

9. Sending and taking file

10. Running Application program

11. Show the picture

12. Seeing program which in running

13. Cloese program which in running

14. Shut Down Computer

Now you more or less have know of how its danger .. tojan Hourse.


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