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17 July 2008

Hacker Ethics

1. Had the capacity to access the computer without the limitation.
2. All information yg was given might not be picked up the payment anything. Not there is yg might be hidden, and in was closed covered.
3. Did not believe in the authority, meaning that widening decentralisation.
4. Did not use the false identity, like the foolish pseudonym, the age, the position, etc..
5. Could be artistic in Computer
6. The computer could change the life became better.
7. The work that in did only for the sake of the truth of information that must be spread widened.
8. Held firm the commitment did not defend the domination of industrial economics software certain.
9. Hacking was the majority weapon in the war on the violation of the limit of computer technology.
10. Well Hacking and Phreaking were the only other road to spread information in the mass so that not stupid in the computer.

After that this was the method played hacker, in the meaning hacker not was significantly raging attacked without thought*
In all of them, honored knowledge & the freedom of information.
* showing the administrator's system would the existence of the violation of the security.



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