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24 July 2008

The Hacker history and his understanding

The terminology hacker emerged at the beginning of the 1960 's around the organisation members of the student Tech Model Railroad Club in the Laboratory of Kecerdasan Artifisial Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The student's group was one of the pioneers of the development of computer technology and they berkutat with several computers mainframe. Said hacker the first time emerged with the positive meaning to mention a member who had the expertise in the computer field and could make the computer program that was better compared with that was drafted together.Afterwards during 1983, the term hacker changed to the negative. His article, in this year for the first time the FBI arrested the criminal group the computer of The 414s that was based in Milwaukee AS. 414 were their local area code. The group that afterwards was mentioned hacker this was stated was guilty of the piercing 60 computers, from the computer belonging to the Centre of Cancer of Memorial Sloan-Kettering to the computer belonging to the Nasional Los Alamos Laboratory. One of these perpetrators got immunity because testimonial him, whereas 5 other perpetrators got the probationary period punishment.

Hacker had the connotation of the negative because of the community's misunderstanding would the difference of the term about hacker and cracker. Many people understood that hackerlah that resulted in the side's certain loss like changed tampilan a site web (deafcing), inserted virus codes etc.. In fact, they were cracker. Crackerlah used security gaps that were not yet repaired by the manufacturer of software (bug) to infiltrate and damage a system. For reasons of this usually hacker was understood was divided into 2 White Hat Hackers groups, that is hacker actual and cracker that often was mentioned with the Black Hat Hackers term.


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